The following surveys are designed to assess community interest in the Santa Monica
College Malibu campus, a two-story building that includes classrooms, science and
computer labs, a lecture hall, an art studio, study space, an interpretive center,
a multipurpose room, a conference room, and offices in the civic center of Malibu.
At the college, we have categorized our credit classes into Areas of Interest. With
180 programs and certificates, students can explore programs in the various areas.
Below is a sample of Noncredit classes offered by SMC. Which of the following Noncredit
classes would you be interested in taking, or that you think would be popular among
Malibu residents? (Select all that apply)
Below is a sample of classes from the Community Education program – not-for-credit
(fee-based) classes for professional development or personal enrichment. Which of
the following would you be interested in taking, or that you think would be popular
among Malibu residents? (Select all that apply)
Below is a sample of classes from the Emeritus program for Older Adults – designed
for those that are in their 50s and up. Which of the following Emeritus classes would
you be interested in taking, or that you think would be popular among Malibu residents?
(Select all that apply)