
Bike SMC


Bicycle Friendly UniversitySMC has an active bicycle community. Riding your bike is much nicer than sitting in traffic, looking for a parking, paying for gas and permits, or trying to find time to exercise. There are many safe bicycle routes that lead to campus but be sure to plan ahead by mapping the safest route possible and following basic safety measures listed below.

SMC achieved the Silver level certification from the League of American Cyclists in 2018 for our dedication to making cycling a safe and viable mode of transportation for all students and employees. Join us... because, why wait for the weekend to enjoy sunshine, fresh air, and exercise?

Join the SMC Bike Club

Interested in helping to build bike culture on campus? The SMC Bike Club organizes rides, provides free repairs, hosts maintenance and safety workshops, and advocates for better biking infrastructure.

Building campus bike culture, teaching repair and safety skills, leading group rides, repairing students’ bikes, and supporting bike initiatives.

bike routes

Best Routes to SMC

Plan your bike route to ride on streets with slow speeds, few cars, and bike lanes when possible. Below is a list of the safest bike lanes that can be used to get to the main campus. 


  • Broadway St.
  • Expo Bike Path
  • Michigan Ave.
  • Pearl St.
  • Ocean Park Blvd.
  • Venice Blvd.


  • 11th St.
  • 14th St.
  • 16th St.
  • 17th St.
  • 28th St. / Stewart St.

Bike Map

See map of bike lanes and routes in Santa Monica. 

Bike Parking Plan
See bike parking options at SMC.

bike resources

Bike Resources & Events

Purchase a Bike

Tune-up a Bike

Rent an e-bike by the minute

  • Veo, and Wheels (Helbiz) 
  • Each company has discounted prices for low income students. Apply here: Veo, and Wheels
SMC Bike Club - 2024
Bike to Santa Monica College
SMC Bike Month 2018

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